This is a description of a cold saw, a circular saw designed to cut metal. The cold saw uses a toothed blade to transfer the heat generated by cutting to the chips created by the saw blade, allowing both the blade and material being cut to remain cool. This is in contrast to an abrasive saw, which abrades the metal and generates a great deal of heat absorbed by the material being cut and saw blade. As metals expand when heated, abrasive cutting causes both the material being cut and blade to expand, resulting in an increased effort to produce a cut and potential binding. This produces more heat through friction, resulting in increased blade wear and greater energy consumption.
A cold saw is a circular saw designed to cut metal which uses a toothed blade to transfer the heat generated by cutting to the chips created by the saw blade, allowing both the blade and material being cut to remain cool. This is in contrast to an abrasive saw, which abrades the metal and generates a great deal of heat absorbed by the material being cut and saw blade.
As metals expand when heated, abrasive cutting causes both the material being cut and blade to expand, resulting in an increased effort to produce a cut and potential binding. This produces more heat through friction, resulting in increased blade wear and greater energy consumption.
Diamond Blade Seg.115 X 22.23mm For Metal Cutting